Bodies & Money

This class will be in English, translated to Slovenian.

Telesa in denar

Kaj pa, če vaše telo ve več o denarju, kot si vi mislite? Kaj pa, če vaše telo prispeva k ustvarjanju denarja v vaš vsakdan? In…kaj ko se vaše telo popolnoma drugače zaveda denarja kot vi?

Vaše telo obožuje denar! Ste pripravljeni na povsem novo avanturo z njim?

V tem brezplačnem Zoomu vas vabim, da spremenite svojo denarno resničnost.

To je klic za vaše telo!

Sophie Cerny je certificirana facilitatorka Access Consciousness Facilitator (CF), ki izvaja predavanja po vsem svetu, da bi ljudem dala vedeti, da vedo in ustvarili življenje, ki si ga resnično želijo. Ustvarite življenje, ki si ga resnično želite!


Bodies & Money

What if your body knows more about money than you previously thought? What if your body could contribute you to create money? What if your body has a completely different awareness of money?

Your body loves money, are you ready for a whole new adventure with it?

In this free Zoom, I invite you to change your money reality.

Your call for your body!

Sophie Cerny is a certified Access Consciousness Facilitator (CF) who does classes around the world to empower people to know that they know & to create the life they truly desire. – Create your life you truly desire!

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28. Dezember 2023


20:00 - 20:30

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Free Zoom


Ursa Erman
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